importance of the treatment of Achilles tendinitis

importance of the treatment of Achilles tendinitis

Not only sports clubs and athletes but also ordinary people suffer from severe movements and injuries to their Achilles tendons. The Achilles tendon is located on the back of the ankle and is the largest and thickest tissue in the body. This is responsible for about 70% of ankle joint function and is an essential structure for walking, running, and back foot movements. It can also be considered a fatal weakness, and it is the most powerful case in the body.

What is Achilles tendonitis?

It is a condition in which the Achilles tendon, which is a strong muscle that extends from the calf to the ankle, is inflamed and minutely damaged. It can happen to men and women of all ages, and it can cause frequent recurrence, limiting daily life. Excessive or strong impact can cause inflammation or rupture, cause redness and swelling of the skin along with the pain behind the ankle, and the symptoms may worsen after climbing stairs or exercising.

cause of the disease

The reason for the rupture and inflammation of the disease is one of sports injuries, as it is closely related to sports activities such as soccer, basketball, badminton, or jumping frequently. However, there is a possibility of the disease among office workers. If you spend most of your day sitting on a chair for a long time, it can lead to decreased blood circulation and reduced nutritional supply of Achilles tendon, which can cause tissue weakness and degenerative changes. In addition, it is caused by wearing hard shoes, friction between the heel and Achilles tendon, the arch part of the sole of the foot is naturally high, or heel deformation occurs.

major symptom

Symptoms of Achilles tendinitis include pain, tenderness, fever, and swelling from the back of the ankle, and it makes sound when standing on tiptoe or jumping. If left unattended, the tissue may weaken and lead to rupture, so appropriate action is important in the early stages. This is an early symptom, and it is a pain that you feel in the Achilles tendon part of the heel after intense exercise and movement. As the dry inflammation progresses, you may feel pain during light exercise or sufficient rest. At this time, if you experience pain in your heel after exercising, you need to suspect the disease.

In particular, it is important to deal with the disease in the early stages because it is difficult to heal itself once it bursts. If the rupture range is large or the tissue is completely cut, surgical methods should be considered. It should be noted that long-standing Achilles tendinitis can weaken tissue, and even small shocks can cause tissue damage or rupture when the back of the ankle is strongly impacted. If the disease occurs due to excessive use, many people take enough rest to deal with it. It’s not easy to rest until the symptoms get better in general situations, so you should proceed with conservative efforts. The cause may not be caused by overuse, but by other causes, and a detailed examination is necessary.

Our hospital identifies the disease through physical examination X-rays and ultrasound, and then implements it as a countermeasure accordingly. After identifying the cause of this, life management should be carried out in parallel to reduce the use of Achilles tendons and stabilize them as much as possible during the treatment process. It is recommended that you apply cold and moist cloth to the affected area and use a personalized special insole. It also helps relieve symptoms by controlling pain through physical healing, injection healing, and external shock waves.

If these various efforts do not improve, inflammation must be removed in a surgical manner. However, it is better to prevent Achilles tendonitis from getting worse before. If there is a cause that can be corrected, you should correct the cause, correct the wrong exercise method and excessive amount of exercise, and manage your weight steadily. After that, it is necessary to reduce the load on the Achilles tendon by stretching regularly and steadily. Usually, increasing the heel of the shoe by 2-3 cm helps relieve pain and reduces the load on the Achilles tendon.

Sometimes, chronic progression can lead to rupture. Therefore, it can be said that it is the importance of early treatment. After surgery, you have to undergo several months of rehabilitation, and it is important to restore ankle function by performing muscle strengthening exercises. Above all, in the case of an acute rupture, it is important to deal with it in the early stages. If the gap is narrow, it will gradually contract and the interval of rupture will gradually widen. As this is highly likely to cause another rupture, it is important to have a detailed examination if symptoms are suspected.Since the treatment period of the disease is generally long and the rate of deterioration when left unattended is fast, active action is needed. If the inflammation is left unattended for a long time, it may burst, and if no action is taken after the rupture, the damage area may spread and cause inconvenience to daily life, so it is recommended to take active action when minor pain appears in the area.Sometimes, chronic progression can lead to rupture. Therefore, it can be said that it is the importance of early treatment. After surgery, you have to undergo several months of rehabilitation, and it is important to restore ankle function by performing muscle strengthening exercises. Above all, in the case of an acute rupture, it is important to deal with it in the early stages. If the gap is narrow, it will gradually contract and the interval of rupture will gradually widen. As this is highly likely to cause another rupture, it is important to have a detailed examination if symptoms are suspected.Since the treatment period of the disease is generally long and the rate of deterioration when left unattended is fast, active action is needed. If the inflammation is left unattended for a long time, it may burst, and if no action is taken after the rupture, the damage area may spread and cause inconvenience to daily life, so it is recommended to take active action when minor pain appears in the area.ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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